Archive for the ‘Northern Monmouth County’ Category


Introducing Bayshore Friends!

February 22, 2008

I swear I’m always coming up with some “pet project”. Usually it’s out of boredom and aimlessness. But this time – with Bayshore Friends – I have truly do have a purpose: to connect people in the Bayshore area. Locals meeting locals to socialize and, hopefully, make new friends. Sound groovy, huh?

I started working on a website for this. But then I thought to myself — why not just use a social networking site? I thought about creating a MySpace profile (which I may still do anyway), but it doesn’t have all the functionality and interactivity I’d like. Then I thought about But they charge you $75 every 6 months JUST for the privilege. Screw that.

So I did some searching and I think I found something that’ll work – at least for now:

While this does not have the “meetup” function I want, it does offer some interactivity. I figure “converge” online first, then do meetups in the future – depending on the interest. Meetups may include: restaurants, coffee shops, book stores, cocktails, house parties, game nights, outdoor activities, or whatever else people want to do.

So, what are you waiting for, become a BF today! :)


Welcome to Exit 117A

September 19, 2007

I will be posting at Red Bank Blues less and less as my focus won’t be on life in Red Bank since, as of October 1, I will be living in the Aberdeen-Matawan area. Hence the name of this blog – Exit 117A.

I’ll still be posting about the great restaurants I dine at in Monmouth County and also the things I observe about life on the North Jersey Shore.

I look forward to this new chapter of my life. The future looks bright as they say. I hope you’ll follow along. :)