Archive for the ‘Fall’ Category


Fall/Halloween in Monmouth County

October 12, 2007

Ahhh, the temps have finally dropped and it is sweater weather at last.  I am looking forward to seeing the leaves full of vibrant colors – reds, oranges, yellows!

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  According to the awful (sorry I’m a design snob) Matawan Borough website, there is a Halloween Parade on October 27th.  Awesome!  The PDF doesn’t tell me the parade route though!  :p  I guess I will need to call them next week unless one of my faithful readers (Suzette??) can tell me. :)

Furthermore, there is no mention of Matawan trick or treating.  Do they do that here? I love giving out teeth-rotting candy to the kiddies. :D

I hope to do some pumpkin picking this weekend!


Pumpkin Patches, Hayrides, Corn Mazes, Oh My!

October 9, 2007

I have to say I am loving my commute home, especially this time of year. I know it certainly does not feel like Fall out there – 80+ degree temps in October make for an extended Indian Summer! The drive along Route 34 from Belmar through Farmingdale and Colt’s Neck on north into Marlboro and Aberdeen is full of glorious Autumn sights to behold. Every mile or so there are farms and roadside stands decked out and advertising “Pick Your Own Pumpkin”, “100s of Halloween Costumes on Sale”, and “Corn Mazes”.  I want to go on a hayride dammit!

This certainly is my favorite time of the year. I just wish the leaves would start changing in earnest. Then it would truly feel like Fall and Halloween just around the corner.

According to the forecast, temps are going to drop into the 50s later in the week. I’m probably going to kick myself for saying this, but… “It’s about time!” :)